...as told by Dani
In 2014 we paid $39,500 for a little worn out house on the edge of Lingle and converted the upstairs to a salon. We took on the project with very little construction experience...and very little money. Any funds we could invest went to "important" things like replacing windows, heating, flooring and a big lighted sign. Money was so tight I painted everything using odds and ends from other projects and small paint samples. I would mix together whatever I had until I got an acceptable color, then hope I'd have enough for one wall at a time. Every wall ended up a slightly different color...if I ran out of paint I'd just hang a picture over spots that it wouldn't cover. Our kids were 2 and 4 at the time so we had them in tow for the whole thing! It was definitely a family project!
The following year we needed housing due to a job change. We conveniently had a basement apartment in the downstairs of the little house-turned-salon. It was only 1 tiny bedroom and 1 bathroom but had a cute little kitchen and spacious mudroom and would work fine temporarily for our little family. We pared down all our belongings to just the necessities, put a few things in storage, and stored most of the kids' toys in the upper loft of our little building. We had no idea that "tiny living" was trendy! During that time, we bought property out of town and planned to build a home. We bit off just a little at a time, working after our day jobs and on weekends. Excavation, the well, adding electric lines, a garage and finally a house all were (nearly) completed in a little under 4 years. My husband Tyrel did the majority of it all, with help from his brother, Orrin.
In 2019 we moved out of the salon basement and into our new home! A few months later the world shut down and I found myself out of work for 5 weeks. I sulked for a few days, but then used the time off to clean out and spruce up the basement apartment of the salon so we could hopefully rent it out and make up for some of the lost income from the Covid shutdowns. In May 2020 we welcomed our first tenant and have been renting the space ever since.
During all this time another sad, old property caught my eye. Every time I would get the mail I looked over at a run-down old bar across the street that had sat empty for awhile. I would think "Someone needs to do something with that place!" I finally got tired of waiting on someone else to take action so in 2021 we bought and began to fix up the old bar on mainstreet. In December of that year we moved the salon to our new space.
Business was great on mainstreet! The extra exposure definitely helped...so much that I became overwhelmed trying to juggle too many things at once. In a move out of pure exhaustion we listed the old salon building for sale the summer of 2022, hoping to simplify what had become a pretty hectic situation.
We left the listing up for 3 weeks before changing our minds. We decided it wasn't something we needed rid of, just needed more help with. We recruited the help of Crystal who had been cleaning for us and transformed the apartment to an AirBnb. Though we're thankful we gave it a go, we decided the AirBnb structure wasn't a fit. I'm especially thankful to Crystal for patiently sticking by me as we try new ideas. The rentals are now fully furnished short-term apartments, which is working well. Everything we've done the past 10 years has been a learning experience for sure!
As we continue to learn, grow and make adjustments we are so thankful for all the blessings and opportunities God has given us. I cannot express how thankful I am to those who have stuck by us through all the craziness, specifically Theresa, Amanda, Crystal and Madison as well as our MANY amazing tenants over the years. Many times I feel as though I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but we all just keep plugging along. What a whirlwind it's been!
If you or anyone you know is in need of a fully furnished apartment with included utilities...you can email me at danikinberg@gmail.com We prefer short-term situations (3-6 months) and do not allow pets or smoking. Work verification, application and references required. I will update availability here:
The Story of the OLD Salon:
currently: OCCUPIED
currently: OCCUPIED
next availability: NOVEMBER 2025